
First Royalties Statement!

So this day finally arrived yesterday. It is a day that, at times, has been the only thing I could think of and, very occasionally, one I had almost completely forgotten about.Let me tell you about it ........

Latest Author Visit - My Old Primary School

Blanche and I had an extremely nostalgic author visit on Friday Friday 19th May.We took part in our latest author visit at St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, St Albans. The reason for the nostalg ........

Our First Author Visits

Over the past week, Blanche and I have been lucky enough to visit two Hertfordshire Primary Schools to deliver author visits. We were blown away by the energy and enthusiasm shown by the children ........

Our first fan!

I was very excited on Friday to hear from a fan of the book.I received a message from a 9 year old girl who is an avid reader as well as a fanatical golfer. She said 'I absolutely love your book, it i ........

Release Day

Today is a very exciting day, the book is finally out there in the real world! I can't believe it has actually happened.It has been great to receive messages from friends and family who have received ........